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DeLiriOusLy BUsY!!!

Saturday, December 29, 2012
I have been wanting to post and create an image associated with my finals for awhile now, but  I have just been procrastinating.  That, or enjoying my break!  Eitherway, here it is:

Facebook had all these countdown posts from my fellow classmates: "7 days and 7 tests!"  And that is exactly what  how it was!  My last week of this semester was one test after another!  I have been slammed with school before, but this... (shaking my head!)  I would study for one test, take it and then relax for about an hour.  After that I would go study for my next one. (I lost a lot of sleep during these last 7 days, but don't worry I am well caught up now!) 

Anatomy consisted of both a practical (80 questions of identification) and written (about 15 pages, double sided!!!).  If I remember correctly, we only had two hours on each part.  We were all interested in how our professor was going to do the practical portion because most of the cadavers had acquired mold!!! In fact, one had been quarantined and it happen to be the only one that still had a uterus!  O, well.  For not being able to study over the weekend for this test, I felt I did okay!  (Family pictures and dance recitals took up much of my time, but well worth it!)

Just a quick side note, during our last days in the cadaver lab, we were in the process of working on the head (oral region in particular) when a group of possible future students came in.  During interviews for  entrance into the program, the professors bring the group into the cadaver lab to show it off.  Quite proud of it!  Anyways, no one was coming over to our table at first. Which was fine by us.  As one girl advanced on our table, she realized what were doing: we had a bone saw on the mandible, bisecting it and the tongue.  She was quickly grossed out and turned away!  We had a good laugh!  I greatly appreciated my lab group, though I had to play dad a few times!  lol!  I had a lot of fun and gained some great friends!

We had a few other tests, but the other major one was Physical Diagnosis.  For this 'hands-on' test we had to demonstrate a full head-to-toe physical exam on one of our fellow students, but we had to perform it in under an hour!  We had a proctor watching our every move and documenting the score card!  We had to verbalize what seemed like everything! (Cranial nerves, bony landmarks, observations, pulsations...etc.)  When I was done I felt confident, but then I would started to question myself, "Did I remember to state 'this' or I forgot this little thing...?"  That is the worst part about testing, the post anxiety!!!  Anyways, I did great!  In fact, I got a 91%  and I had plenty of remaining time.

Once I was all finished, (Mel Gibson in Braveheart: "FREEDOM!"), I met up with Abby and the girls for a bit of lunch.  The entire time I sat there with an over whelming feeling that I still needed to go study, as if I was wasting time!  It took a couple of days to off the study high!


  1. Max and Deanna said...:

    Sounds like you are really learning your stuff!! Way to go. Enjoy you days off.

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