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This Semester...!

Monday, April 1, 2013
I feel like I have been neglecting my little group of followers.  I have been enveloped in the program which has kept me from updating this blog.  It's a good thing, yet I feel bad for not keeping everyone informed. Maybe I can put a Reader's Digest version regarding the last few weeks' events on here...

First off,  spring break!  That was sooo like 4 weeks ago...I think.  lol!  Anyways, I feel cheated!  A whole week off to do nothing and what happens?  It snows!  It dumped the white stuff for a couple of days.  And because of H'burgs lack of snow removal equipment we stayed in the house for a couple of days.  Hannah's school was cancelled.  Granted, they close school if there is any sign or threat of a snowflake, but still.  Now, my feelings of being cheated don't stem from having to stay in the house, but the factor that JMU closed school for two days, so I would have gotten out anyways! "I want my two dollars!"

I have previously mentioned the Biostats class which is a great learning class!  This last group project was all about prognosis.  In other words, forecasting or predicting the patient's outcome for a given duration. We are given approximately a 1.5 weeks to take our patient information, find background questions (answers to the who, what, when and why) and then find studies associated with the patient's situation.  The journal articles have to be applicable to our given patient and then we have to validate the article and it's provided material and results.  'WHAT?!'

I will just give a quick example. Our patient was a 35 y/o that had a lump in the inner, lower quadrant of her right breast.  After an inconclusive mammogram, she had a surgical biopsy.  The surgeon decided on a wide excision.  The biopsy brought back two positive lymph nodes, positive estrogen receptor and negative progesterone.  She had other prognostic factors as well which I won't bore you with.  We, the four of us set up shop in the library for hours.  I found that if I wasn't in class, I was at the library.  I  would go home to sleep and restock my food supply and then back to the research.

Man, I don't know how computer guys look at screens all day?!  I would get home and I would see a white rectangle!  Anyways,  I found a new passion in working through study journals.  I am still trying to fully understand all the statistics and how to either prove them wrong or right, but it is definitely interesting.

Disease and disorders...I feel like I'm judging people now.  Let me try to explain.  I had just learned about PCOD, (polycystic ovarian disease).  A disease that many women in their 20 -30's, that are obese, have hirsutism (abnormal facial hair on women) and irregular menstrual cycles are effected by.  Acne can be included in these signs and symptoms as well.  Anyways, I was in the process of paying for my fast food (blah! to fast food!) when I noticed the female cashier had a mustache, acne and was over weight.  The first thing I thought was, that girl is a prime candidate and should probably get tested for PCOD, if she hasn't already. You see what I am saying, I can't look at people the same. I have noticed clubbing of the fingers, neuropathy and now I have been noting peoples skin.  Does this ever stop?  


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